Diede Huver

About Diede

I am proud to be the first Intuitive Eating Dietician certified in the Netherlands. Until early 2021, I was even the only dietician in the Netherlands with this certification. This means that I completed the (American) training under the guidance of the original intuitive eating pros (Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch), may use the PRO logo and do not use Intuitive Eating as a ‘weight loss method’.

However, how wonderful would it be if our ‘diet society’ turns into an ‘Intuitive Eating Society’?

Dietitian and Intuitive Eating Counselor

As an 18-year-old I started studying Nutrition and Dietetics at The Hague University of Applied Sciences in 2008. I especially liked the research side. In a year, this interest had turned 180 degrees. The field of study was still correct, but I found the social and psychological aspect in particular more and more interesting.

10 years later, with 5 years of work experience as a dietitian, it became increasingly clear to me that knowledge about nutrition does not change our behavior. I didn’t feel like I was really helping my clients by telling them what adjustments they could make in their diet, weighing each session, and seeing together why certain things hadn’t worked out. There was frustration and a feeling of dissatisfaction, both in my clients and myself, that they were not able to reduce their weight or keep up with the changes.

  • Registered dietitian
  • Registered in ‘Kwaliteitsregister paramedici’
  • Certified Intuitive Eating (IE) counselor
  • Weight-Inclusive Approach (HAES)
  • Acceptance Commitment therapy certified 

I was looking for a (scientifically substantiated) way to work together with my clients for sustainable behavioral change. An old fellow student introduced me to ‘Intuitive Eating’ and immediately became enthusiastic. After purchasing the book, I immediately recognized a lot of scenarios that I and my clients also encountered. This was the tool I had unconsciously been looking for for years! After first applying the principles in my own life, I experienced more peace around my food choices. After this, I slowly started to introduce intuitive eating into my consultations. At first I noticed some skepticism among my clients. After they got started with the exercises, the skepticism diminished, the sense of actual progress increased, although frustration and resistance to ‘starting another diet’ changed in the response from one client: “when you once you see you can’t go back.”

Various scientific studies indicate that dieting and weight loss do not in itself improve our health and can even lead to disturbed eating behavior in the long run. Many people start as a child with a diet or list of what they can and cannot eat, because they are ‘heavier’ than the norm. I have seen a client who 50 years later still has the same ‘problem’ and who have completed diet after diet, meanwhile a bingo card full! Is this a sustainable solution?

My goal is not to lower your body weight to the weight you have ever weighed, what has been in your head for years or what that one doctor or neighbor told you you should weigh. My goal is to provide you with tools and insights to positively and sustainably change your thoughts and behavior.

Intuitive eating isn’t for overweight or obese people [only]. Intuitive eating is intended for [everyone] who wants to live healthy and stress-free around food.

Diede Huver intuitief eten coach



  • BSc. Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Various courses aimed at IBS, malnutrition, nutritional drinks, sports nutrition, dairy, plant-based nutrition
  • Course Motivational Interviewing
  • Course Nutrition and Diabetes
  • Course Intuitive Eating
  • Course Acceptance and Commitment Therapy